Saturday, July 7, 2007

Weird weekend

It has been a strange weekend. Firstly, because it felt like Friday last Tuesday because of the 4th of July holiday in the middle of the week. And also because of the altered farmhouse plan. I had thought we were going Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon as usual...but my dad has to get ready for a business trip. So I was informed after work on Friday that I had to get ready because we were going that night. Anyone reading this knows I love plans and when plans get changed on me, I feel a little out of sorts.

So now it feels like Sunday night, but it is only Saturday night. Which is good because the coming work week is going to be very difficult.

What was really weird though was the smoke. I woke up today to see a heavy blanket of smoke sitting over everywhere, as far as I could see. I had been hoping to sit out on the porch under a lovely blue sky and to breathe some good clean air. As it was, I couldn't go outside without the smoke hurting my eyes and throat.

It was so eerie. You couldn't see the mountains and the sun was an unnatural color of orange. No one was out of their houses. It was like we were the only ones there.

Back in Salt Lake, we found the source to be the devastating fire near Scipio. Some people died and so much land has been burned up. It makes me sad.

On another note, I just finished a really really good book. Although the book was sad too.

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