Monday, July 30, 2007

Bad Day

I should just learn to stop having good days, because they always lead to something bad. The night that everyone had so much fun at Harry Potter, Ben told us he was leaving. Yesterday, I had an amazing time at Raging Waters. I forgot how crappy work is. I didn't even think about work at all. I laughed and had fun all day long.

Today, the first thing I noticed when I woke up was that my watch has stopped working. The cute watch with the moving stars. It's possible that it's the battery, but I have this annoying way of burning out watches for no apparent reason.

After work, I needed to get my car inspected. We drove all the way to BFE only to find the place where my dad wanted us to go had a huge line and a long wait. We drove back to the crappy place down the street. They told us their person had left for the day. The same person who wasn't there last Friday.

My air conditioner was acting up so we turned it off. At a light, my car proceeded to overheat and die. We got it started and got it home where it proceeded to spew something all over the driveway.

I bought a CD to make myself feel better and while I was putting it on my I Pod, my laptop decided to freeze and die. It's working now, but it will probably be the next thing to go.

Sometimes these kinds of days make me laugh with how ridiculously bad they are. Today, though, I am tired and frustrated.

I'm sick of hearing about how all the people who have been so mean to me in the past have all the things that I want. Am I really such a bad person? I guess I must be.

One day,I will learn how to not pour my heart out to a screen for everyone on the internet to see. One day, hopefully.

1 comment:

Violet said...

Auntie Chelsea, I am sorry. I hope tomorrow is better than today ;)