Monday, July 30, 2007

Bad Day

I should just learn to stop having good days, because they always lead to something bad. The night that everyone had so much fun at Harry Potter, Ben told us he was leaving. Yesterday, I had an amazing time at Raging Waters. I forgot how crappy work is. I didn't even think about work at all. I laughed and had fun all day long.

Today, the first thing I noticed when I woke up was that my watch has stopped working. The cute watch with the moving stars. It's possible that it's the battery, but I have this annoying way of burning out watches for no apparent reason.

After work, I needed to get my car inspected. We drove all the way to BFE only to find the place where my dad wanted us to go had a huge line and a long wait. We drove back to the crappy place down the street. They told us their person had left for the day. The same person who wasn't there last Friday.

My air conditioner was acting up so we turned it off. At a light, my car proceeded to overheat and die. We got it started and got it home where it proceeded to spew something all over the driveway.

I bought a CD to make myself feel better and while I was putting it on my I Pod, my laptop decided to freeze and die. It's working now, but it will probably be the next thing to go.

Sometimes these kinds of days make me laugh with how ridiculously bad they are. Today, though, I am tired and frustrated.

I'm sick of hearing about how all the people who have been so mean to me in the past have all the things that I want. Am I really such a bad person? I guess I must be.

One day,I will learn how to not pour my heart out to a screen for everyone on the internet to see. One day, hopefully.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Left :(

Today started out as a really good day. Work went amazingly well for a change. After, I wore my Harry Potter shirt and cuddled up in my Harry Potter blanket and went to see The Order of the Pheonix with my mom, Ethan, and Jessica. I don't care what anyone says, I loved it. We were having fun talking about the movie so we decided to go to sconecutter for shakes and talk about it some more. After, we stopped at the store because tomorrow is a field trip day and I needed sandwhich supplies.

Coming home, we saw a black dog get sort of hit. It took off running though so I hope it's ok.

When we got home, Ben called. He said that he is moving to Washington DC. I'd figured this would happen for a while because his girlfriend is there, but he always said she was going to come back here and he wasn't going anywhere. Well, now he is.

I know I'm being selfish, but I am so upset that he is leaving. For so many reasons. And the worst part is, he doesn't even seem to care. I wish that things didn't have to change so much. I wish so many things were still like they used to be. I am not good at dealing with change.

When I took off to 4 1/2 hour away SUU, I was scared, but I was so excited to be leaving and doing something new. Now that it's someone else leaving, I can't stop being sad.

I guess it's always easier being the one who leaves instead of the one who is being left.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Weird weekend

It has been a strange weekend. Firstly, because it felt like Friday last Tuesday because of the 4th of July holiday in the middle of the week. And also because of the altered farmhouse plan. I had thought we were going Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon as usual...but my dad has to get ready for a business trip. So I was informed after work on Friday that I had to get ready because we were going that night. Anyone reading this knows I love plans and when plans get changed on me, I feel a little out of sorts.

So now it feels like Sunday night, but it is only Saturday night. Which is good because the coming work week is going to be very difficult.

What was really weird though was the smoke. I woke up today to see a heavy blanket of smoke sitting over everywhere, as far as I could see. I had been hoping to sit out on the porch under a lovely blue sky and to breathe some good clean air. As it was, I couldn't go outside without the smoke hurting my eyes and throat.

It was so eerie. You couldn't see the mountains and the sun was an unnatural color of orange. No one was out of their houses. It was like we were the only ones there.

Back in Salt Lake, we found the source to be the devastating fire near Scipio. Some people died and so much land has been burned up. It makes me sad.

On another note, I just finished a really really good book. Although the book was sad too.