Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here you go

O.k. let's see if blogger will ever let me publish this...

I Am...

Looking for meaning in life.

I Want...
To get married, to travel the world, to find a job I can love.

I Have...
A black cat named Zim. *smooch*

I Wish...
I was more out-going and less shy.

I Hate...
The mormons who are trying to make dumb laws...like the one where restaurants that serve alcohol need to put a curtain around the alcohol so people can't see it.

I Fear...
A lot of things. All of them revolving around death. 1. Car accidents 2. Earthquakes 3. Getting struck by lightning 4. The house burning down 5. Any and all diseases.

I Hear...
The sounds of the computer.

I Search...
The internet for recipes. One day I'll actually cook them!

I Wonder...
What happens after we die.

I Regret...
Not trying out for dance company in high school.

I Love...
My family.

I Ache...
When I'm walking around the U and it's cold. Breathing in the cold air makes my lungs ache.

I Always...
Kiss the kitties goodnight.

I Usually...
Have really strange dreams.

I Am Not...
Where I wanted to be at 21.

I Dance...
Sometimes. Not as much as I used to. I miss dancing.

I Sing...
Every single time I get in my car. I think I know most of the songs they play on X 96.

I Never...
Leave the house without makeup. Even if it's just a tiny bit of concealer and lip gloss.

I Rarely...
Wear shoes in the summer. I go everywhere I can barefoot. I love the way the grass feels.

I Cry...
When I'm sad and I hear a sad song.

I Am Not Always...
Sure about my major. (probably changing it)

I Lose...
My sunglasses unless I put them in a specific place every night.

I'm Confused...
as to why there can't be any fine arts classes at a decent time.

I Need...

I Should...
Carve my pumpkins tonight.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Botched Halloween

I LOVE being invisible. I have been planning my Halloween party for over a month. I have talked and talked about it. I have told people to reserve the date. Now that it is almost here, no one can seem to remember. Jamie will be out of town, so Kylie can't come either. Dad will probably be out of town. David is probably doing something with his friends. Ethan and Jessica MUST come or it will be a failure. :(

Look for Monterey: Coming soon to a blog near you!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Blah Blah

Here is a blog entry although, it is full of complaining so it would probably be best to skip this one. As everyone who knows me knows, I hate school. I HATE school. I hate driving up there in the morning. I hate my classes. I hate the homework. I hate the teachers. I hate the essays. I hate driving home in the afternoon. I hate that I have a math plateau and I can learn anything up until functions and then my math brain goes dead.

Here is what is currently really frustrating me: I know that college is supposed to make you a "well-rounded" person and that any degree looks good. But all I am being taught is to how to interpret poetry (the way they think it should be.) I am afraid that I am going to go through all this and not be able to do anything. Who hires people to interpret their poetry?

I know, I know. It's my major. But I've looked through the majors and I'm just not interested in anything.

I've thought of going somewhere else and getting an associates degree to be a paralegal. But then I'm afraid that I won't like that and I'll be back to square one.

I've also thought of doing something animal related because I LOVE animals, but everything I've read says you need an animal science or zoology degree and the U does not offer those.

I want to be able to be independent and live on my own and have my own money and I'm frustrated because I can't see that happening.

So, I guess I'll stick it out.

Next time, I'll write a happy blog. I promise!