Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here you go

O.k. let's see if blogger will ever let me publish this...

I Am...

Looking for meaning in life.

I Want...
To get married, to travel the world, to find a job I can love.

I Have...
A black cat named Zim. *smooch*

I Wish...
I was more out-going and less shy.

I Hate...
The mormons who are trying to make dumb laws...like the one where restaurants that serve alcohol need to put a curtain around the alcohol so people can't see it.

I Fear...
A lot of things. All of them revolving around death. 1. Car accidents 2. Earthquakes 3. Getting struck by lightning 4. The house burning down 5. Any and all diseases.

I Hear...
The sounds of the computer.

I Search...
The internet for recipes. One day I'll actually cook them!

I Wonder...
What happens after we die.

I Regret...
Not trying out for dance company in high school.

I Love...
My family.

I Ache...
When I'm walking around the U and it's cold. Breathing in the cold air makes my lungs ache.

I Always...
Kiss the kitties goodnight.

I Usually...
Have really strange dreams.

I Am Not...
Where I wanted to be at 21.

I Dance...
Sometimes. Not as much as I used to. I miss dancing.

I Sing...
Every single time I get in my car. I think I know most of the songs they play on X 96.

I Never...
Leave the house without makeup. Even if it's just a tiny bit of concealer and lip gloss.

I Rarely...
Wear shoes in the summer. I go everywhere I can barefoot. I love the way the grass feels.

I Cry...
When I'm sad and I hear a sad song.

I Am Not Always...
Sure about my major. (probably changing it)

I Lose...
My sunglasses unless I put them in a specific place every night.

I'm Confused...
as to why there can't be any fine arts classes at a decent time.

I Need...

I Should...
Carve my pumpkins tonight.


Hot Hot JJ said...

Great post Chelsea! So, did you carve pumpkins?


Jelly said...

Nope. We're starting them right now though!